Super easy installation with no learning curve. Ideal for a crew leader with low skilled labor. All trenches are monolithically poured, creating a seamless system including corners The Megamax flow option allows sections to slope from 5.25” to up to 36”below floor level. Trenches are easy to clean, since the formed radius bottom surface of trenches and creates better run off and grey water deposits. A flexible liner at the bottom of trench allows for movement in the building floor. Steel grates are easy to remove (2 min / 100ft section / person). Once grates are removed there are no obstructing cross bars in the way when cleaning trench. The steel grates can be easily removed and reused if you decide to relocate in the future.Trenches can be easily filled in if you relocate without having to remove any steel framework that’s poured in place. Tie-inns or add-ons to the existing trenches are easy, should you decide to expand your wet zones in the future. All pit capacities specified are measured from below the bottom of trench inlets. Last minute changes on site are possible, if you need to change your wet zone.